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The evergreen case of #OpenSource, this time told by @nzakas:

Mom: Dad said you invented a thing? ESLint?
Me: Yes.
Mom: What is it?
Me: It finds and fixes problems in JavaScript.
Mom: Huh. Do people use it?
Me: Basically everyone writing JS.
Mom: How much did you make on it?
Me: Nothing.
Mom: I don’t understand your industry.
Me: Me either.

Dom boosted

Love this #threejs implementation of the Vertex Animation Textures (VAT) technique, by Mike Lyndon (

Includes soft-body, rigid, and fluid (topology-changing) animation.

#threejs #webgl #webdev #gamedev #vfx

@marwi how are you guys defining components on the Blender side? With the Hubs exporter we initially started with a custom json schema but found we were just reinventing a different syntax for Blenders robust property binding system.
Once we started wanting to add custom gizmos and operators for components we decided to just make components regular old python files. No need to bundle them with the addon, and still relatively easy to auto generate if we need to, but we get the full Blender API.

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@vantablack Does it count if I have had an account for a few years, but only started using it again (after migrating it to my own instance) recently? :)

@jkramersmyth @jesse we should crowdfund a failstodon design from her. We are undoubtedly going to need it as Mastodon continues to scale. We have 15 years of twitter growing pains to speedrun.

Dom boosted

Hopping on an intercontinental flight next week and I'm preparing my personal in-flight entertainment.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I might be able to stream my Steam Deck (SteamOS/Linux) to my Pico 4 (Android) without an internet connection?

I'm thinking that a connection over ADB might be possible, but I have no idea what I could use to do the actual streaming

@c0debabe its lonely out here on my solo instance. I want a local timeline!

@zyk I think this is missing "did someone you follow boost @hello's toot" -> Home Tmeline

@ghost_bird having the option but making it slightly a pain seems like the right balance. If you know you need it, you can find it, but people wont accidentally reach for it when something less harsh would have done better.

@seanmcbeth try snapping the flat parts together first (they have magnets) before placing them in the dock. That helped me a lot.

@gamingonlinux I will be honest, I do miss "the algorithm" on Mastodon. In theory I like chronological timeline but its easy to miss stuff, which leads to a feeling of needing to "keep up" inbox zero style. Somewhat sustainable now but won't be if I end up following many more people.

The "algorithm" doesn't have to be a user hostile thing. We can build tools that help us surface information we might care about without them being user hostile if the incentives aren't about maximizing ad views.

@pammystarr as a results I feel much more comfortable using it. Though boost feels too "heavy" for things I would have liked on twitter (to give a sort of soft reshare). Probably just need to get used to different norms.

@msitarzewski have not, but that sounds up my alley. Added to my reading list.

Oh boy I really need to stop trying to read every post in my timeline, its quickly getting unsustainable. I had the same problem with RSS, couldn't help myself.

Non user-hostile "algorithm" I know you are out there somewhere just waiting to be written.

Dom boosted

To this extent I'm really interested to know how the age breakdown of people on the #Fediverse. On one hand it would seem to make sense to me that most people here remember the "old internet" before the centralization and they're here to rekindle that flame of independence. On the other hand the youths are generally pretty up on this whole technology thing. I grew up on the internet and since then smartphones have become even more ubiquitous.

(Please boost for reach)

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I say all of the above as someone working on open source web based immersive technology not built on blockchain (Mozilla Hubs). I don't think there is 1 solution and we need to be learning from all of it.

Openness and transparency are so far the only things I think I am comfortable saying are a must :D

@msitarzewski re crypto. While I do think most things going on in the space right now are uninteresting, and there is a huge scam problem, I would not completely write it off.

Decentralization is super powerful, and blockchain technology is way too interesting an innovation to just completely shut out. At the very least we should be looking at the pros and cons and extracting the lessons.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!